Friday, 5 September 2008

Sello de Calidad Europeo

We have been awarded European Quality Label in July 2008.

Friday, 9 May 2008


Congratulations! We have been given the NQL. This is a good explanation for our recent award in Spain:
"The National Quality Label is concrete recognition to teachers and schools of the high level of their eTwinning activities. For pupils, this offers a boost to their work efforts, and for the school in general, a public affirmation of their commitment to quality and openness in European collaborative work.
A project has to broadly achieve excellence in the following areas: (1) Sustainability, (2) Use of ICT within the project, (3) Results and benefits, (4) Curricular integration, (5) European dimension, (6) Innovation/creativity, and (7) Overall quality."
by Cristina Crawley

Monday, 5 May 2008


Congratulations students, congratulations Camilla! you are working very hard and it is paying off!! Our project has been appointed eTWINNER of the month in Sweden!! together with this appointment they are sending us a webcam to be used in the project. This is the text of the message they have written:

I have the pleasure to announce that the project your school has with the Swedish school Mimers Hus, Kungälv, Sweden, has been appointed eTwinner of the Month in Sweden. As a token of appreciation we will send a webcam to each school, to be used in the project. The camera will be sent in the near future.
Best regards,
The Swedish eTwinning team
Ann-Marie Degerström

Monday, 28 April 2008

9th May Europe- day

On 9 May schools across Europe will celebrate Europe Day by organising debates on EU external aid and development cooperation policy. EU officials and experts will visit schools and take part in the discussions with students and teachers, and answer their questions.
The 9 May Europe-day in schools is an initiative aimed at schools and at raising European youth's awareness of the EU’s external aid and development cooperation policy.
It is important for us all to get to know the history and development of Europe and have a look to its images to be able to imagine how will it be the next 50 years.
We will be celebrating this day through our posts here in the blog and there will also be a thematic forum at Etwinning as you already know.
Your teacher Josefina.

Thursday, 24 April 2008

End of year term/ Trimestre de fin de curso

Our classmates in Sweden have nearly finished their studies in Spanish. They are taking their final exam next 30th May. As you already know we've come across with some technical difficulties that prevented us from enjoying our PPT and from watching videos posted here in our blog. Anyway this year course is also coming to its end and we should do several tasks before saying goodbye.
First of all we have to read some comments added by our friends in Spanish: you have to correct their mistakes and send them a new text either via email or linked to the target thread.
Second task for us is to say goodbye properly by sending your friend and Camilla the last email.
Third and last is to complete an essay telling everything you know by now about your friends in Sweden, their cities, traditions,... and post it here in the blog.
I'm waiting for your final tasks... see you.
Teacher Josefina Martin.

Saturday, 1 March 2008

Cártama y Alhaurín de la Torre de cine.

Este video es sobre Cártama y Alhaurín de la Torre, dos pueblos cercanos. Los alumnos de Küngalv deben escuchar atentamente el video pues está en un lenguaje enfatizado en su pronunciación y es muy sencillo. Vuestra profesora os pedirá que realicéis alguna actividad en relación a este video.

Tuesday, 26 February 2008

Daily Food Style Video

Joanna Postlethwaite, head of food technology at John Cabot Community Technology College in Bristol, sets Year 7 pupils a task to record their eating habits for 24 hours.
Follow pupils Megan and Ryan as they keep a video diary for the day, recording what they both eat at school and at home, producing some interesting results.

Watch this Video from Teachers TV and answer the following questions:
Who has a balanced diet? What sort of food does he/she eat?
Actividad para los alumnos de Küngalv sobre este video: escribe en español qué comida come la chica y el chico.

A new Quiz for your holidays

Hello students, while I was having a look to EU Myeurope I came across with this easy quiz, I found it interesting just in case you were free one of these holidays.

Sunday, 17 February 2008

Our Project has been awarded Qualilty Label in Sweden

Hello Students! There's good news for us all. Our project has been awarded with the Quality label in Sweden!! We are asking for the same label in Spain so we can take part in the yearly prizes for eTwinning projects. Thanks to you all for your enthusiasm and collaboration!!
Your teachers Josefina Martín and Camilla Carlson.

Sunday, 10 February 2008


Watch and listen carefully this video about the benefits of belonging to the E.U, Reform Treaty. Your task is writing as much as you can about it using specific vocabulary from this video. The task is compulsory !!

Monday, 4 February 2008

Second Term Activities

Second term has started and we teachers have prepared activities for this month. Our students are going to issue a series of Impress/Power Point presentations or just documentaries about "The world we live in". This will be a good opportunity for them to improve their English language and their ICT skills. In Alhaurín, they have chosen several interesting issues about our town. Meanwhile they have to write their Valentine's cards. Some of the Spanish students are being helped by their classmates in Küngalv. We, teachers expect to get a set of interesting and well produced presentations.Bye.

Saturday, 26 January 2008

Nuestro Twinspace


Now every student, teacher or parent has the oportunity of having a look or showing the project they are working with their fellow students in Alhaurín de la Torre and in Sweden. Just click on the word Twinspace above in the title and the link will lead you to the initial CNICE eTwinning webpage where you can read about our project and link to our Twinspace.If you click at the bottom of the page on enlace you will see the folders containing the work already done by our students!!

Tuesday, 8 January 2008

Happy New Year: Back to School

Year 2008 has started and school resumes after Christmas. The teachers working in this project, both Camilla Carlsson ( Mimers Hus Gymnasium)and Josefina Martín (IES Huerta Alta) welcome you all to this blog.
After the first three months working together there's a lot already done and many more activities to be done in the future. At first we were getting to know each other via email, forums(presentation and hobbies forums) and creating photo folders about ourselves. Not all the students have worked at the same level but there are three things we want them to develop: their sense of belonging to a e-learning comunity and at the same time using ICT in a meaningful way and everything by means of a second language which is English for the Spanish and Spanish for the Swedish students.
On a second stage we moved on to Christmas Activities, students have issued a series of files in which they have written their favourite Christmas songs (villancicos), food and traditions both in Sweden and in Spain.
In between students have been doing some of the exercises about Europe on the links added to this same blog, we should not forget the European dimension of the present project.
Since there is no possibility to upload files on the blog the only possibility to have a look at their work is entering the etwinning web. A fine piece of work it has been!